For some reason Homecoming is high on a ton of people's priority lists this year (including ours). Chicas and gents have been on their K.West workout plan now for weeks trying to make sure that their re-emergence to their Alma Maters are peeeerrrrrfect... And why not? People are going to be asking, how you're doing, where you've been, and who you're dating (if they haven't already been stalking your profile on FaceBook since the last time they've seen you) so its fair that you want to be at your best... give the people what they want is what we always say! So with that, we've pulled together a list of the top Do's and Don't for a FABULOUS Homecoming weekend:
DO make sure you've made plans to kick it and reconnect with your friends from your college days. No one knows and appreciates the person you've become or are becoming like the people you shared showers with inside of a dinky freshman dorm.
DON'T make the mistake of only sticking with the same folks that you kicked it with in school. If you've graduated from a reputable school, most of the folks who are coming back to visit are probably good people to network with...one small connection can go a looong way when you're looking for that next job or are in need of a recommendation.
DO book a reasonably nice hotel room (if you're going out of town). You're out of school so long gone are the days of crashing on floors and couches.
DO bring your host or hostess a great gift if they are opening their home to you for a weekend (for free). Bring something from your town or city that they cannot get easily where they are.
DON'T make the mistake of thinking that you don't need to look your best. Your Homecoming may be the last time that some folks see you for the next year or more. Treat your last impression like your first impression.
DO speak to at least one person that you may have disliked or were intimidated by in the past. Hell, you're grown and there is nothing that they can do or say that can stop you from living the life you've been living. You never know, maybe the feelings you had for them were unfounded.
DON'T be afraid to have a couple of drinks with a few pals. But....
DO upgrade from taking vodka shots to popping open a couple bottles of wine before you head out to party
DO party.. and we mean PARTY.. You didn't come to sit and be a bore...after the game..the tailgating, the coronation ball and the step show grab some RED BULL and stay out until 2 or 3 in the A.M. Why not, you only live once and you can only re-live college life once a year!
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