The African Festival of the Arts and the Chicago Jazz Festival are amazing events that you need to check out if you're in the ChicaGo area this weekend. Enjoy the Chi-Town Fests while they last!
Okay so the official final day of Summer is September 22nd BUT everyone knows things tend to start going downhill after Labor Day. With that, we're calling today what it is...the end! We hope you enjoy this Friday Mix. Its choked full of classic hits from Stevie, Luther, Sade, Jill and even a couple of "contemporary tracks" from Jay-Z and good ole Jamie Foxx.
As we approach our 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY next month, on September 18th, we have to give a special shout out to all of the GoGetters from Illinois, Cali, New York, Georgia, DC, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Florida and any other state we've overlooked who have been showing ChicaGoGetter major love over the past year. Also, a BIG shout out to our readers in France the UK, Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Mexico and Nigeria (holla) who've also dropped by for a taste of ChicaGoGetter. We can't forget the other hott blogs in the ChicaGo area who always show love :myFashionation , Solemates Chicago, The E-Biz, Lipstick.Lace.Brassknuckles, EyeInPR and Mrs. Windy City. Finally, a huge thanks to our friends at who supply our haute Friday Mix tracks and are super supportive & ALWAYS fun to kick it with when they're in the ChicaGo area.
I must admit, watching Michelle Obama taking the stage to give her speech at the Democratic National Convention last evening gave me chills. I don't care what your politics are or who you're supporting in the upcoming election, seeing such a beautiful, talented, and intelligent woman supporting her husband in his journey to be the first African American President of the United States of America should give you chills too! What I find even more compelling about Michelle is that she is a true Chicagoan, raised on the South Side, who still lives in the South Side with her family. If you missed her speech, please check it out below:
The Blues Jean Bar is def not a late night haunt frequented by the denim clad Coyote Ugly crowd as the name may suggest. It is actually home to one of the coolest shopping experiences a Chica could have. Basically its a haven for ladies and gents looking for the perfect pair of jeans. The store features a wooden bar decked out with stools where shoppers can sit and "order" pairs of jeans based on wash, cut, brand, size - you name it.
The Blue Jeans Bar has locations in Dallas, San Francisco, Santa Monica and of course, Chicago.
According to Crain's Chicago Business, Mr. West will be bringing a FatBurger to Orland Park next month and has the greenlight to open at least 10 other locations in the Go.
Strang title, I know. But, for all of you who have never tried pole dancing you need to expand your horizons and give it a go! Women of color specifically tend to have issues with expressing their sexuality and sensual side in this fashion...but GET OVER IT CHICAS. Most pole dancing classes are for women only and most people who take the classes aren't professionals and are just looking to try something different. Hop on that one will think you're a freak or a hoe..I promise! You'll find muscles that you never knew you had!